The ACS is geographically organized by hierarchy–block groups at the most granular level, followed by census tracts, counties, states, regions and the nation as a whole.
Census tracts are a common grouping used in geographic analysis since they are specifically designed for this purpose. Tracts are small, relatively permanent statistical subdivisions of a given geographic area. Populations of census tracts usually vary between 1,200 and 8,000 people. []
DC has 206 Census Tracts, the median population of which is about 3,320 people. Two outliers exist: One is the Monument Core (tract number 98.00), with a population of 13, all male (presuming that since this survey was taken in 2019 that Melania counted herself a resident of Mar-a-Lago) and one is the Fort Dupont neighborhood with a population of 7,730. The Fort Dupont tract is otherwise similar to surrounding tracts, but the Monument Core has unique characteristics so will be omitted from analysis.

The map will chart the gender ratio in each census tract. Since its purpose is also to illustrate the challenge of dating in the city, we can restrict the gender ratio to persons 18 years and older. This restriction brings the average gender ratio to an average of 92 males per 100 females (median: 87 males to 100 females). The average adult population of each tract is 2,796 (median: 2,758).
Running a distribution plot on the adult gender ratio column reveals another outlier (tract 68.04) where men outnumber women six to one:

This is the location of the DC Jail and it skews the data so much that this tract will also be omitted from analysis.
The remaining 204 tracts reveal a more normal distribution: